On the US-Philippines-Japan trilaterial meeting

The Biden Administration has once again invited Marcos to the White House to continue to deepen its stronghold over the Philippines under the guise of “ironclad alliances.”

We translated their press statement to share what’s really happening.

Join @anakbayanusa as we protest Marcos where ever he goes to barter off the Filipino people and our land!

@bayan_usa, @ichrp_us, and @malayamovement will be hosting an Educational Webinar and Speak Out against the Marcos Jr-Biden Meeting in DC on April 3 at 5p PT, 8p ET.

📌 Register now: http://tinyurl.com/PROTESTMARCOSJR

#MarcosOutOfDC #MarcosOutOfUS #USOutOfPH #PHnotforsale


Makatarunganang Maghimagsik! it is right to rebel!


Filipino Youth Against Cha Cha